Headline: Monographs and Edited Volumes

Negative emission technologies

Strategies for mitigating climate change today include plans for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through “Negative Emissions Technologies” (NETs).

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4.3.1 Energy systems

The tipping dynamics in wind and solar power create potential for cascading effects to energy demand sectors, including household energy demand. These most likely start with shift actions and adoption of household-scale batteries and heat pumps.

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The European Union and seabed mining

The destruction suffered across Europe due to centuries of conquests and wars, particularly those that were inflicted during the second world war, eventually gave birth to a strong desire to foster peace and mutual benefit across the borders of th

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The Intervention of Climate Science

Is climate science changing the Earth? We would normally want to answer no. A science merely represents and does not intervene. Representation comes first and may or may not be followed by intervention, because intervention is a choice.

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Social Performance

Sustainability transformations in the energy industry, a key sector in the race to a zero-carbon economy in the Anthropocene, are still being largely understood from a technological standpoint.

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Precautionary Approach

The debate on how to evaluate and manage risks focuses on three major strategies: (Renn O. EMBO Rep 8:303–305, 2007, Renn O. Risk governance. Coping with uncertainty in a complex world. Earthscan, London, 2008a; Stirling A.

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Policy advice for dealing with major crises has focussed on two concepts: resilience and sustainability. The article introduces the term resilience and explains its application in different disciplines.

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Ecological modernization and beyond

Ecological modernization is the policy-driven innovation and diffusion of resource efficient clean technologies. It has become an extremely dynamic process – nothing less than a global industrial revolution.

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Hemispheric Air Pollution

Air pollutants with lifetimes of a few weeks or longer, such as ozone, fine particulate matter, mercury, and many persistent organic pollutants, are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, and may be transported around the globe under the influence of globa

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Emergency Response: Clustering Change

Truth is always concrete, as are emergencies. If truth and reliability of good decisions is what, in general, nourishes change and the readiness of people to trust in transformation, emergency response should be at the heart of this.

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Wind Power Generation

Wind power plays a major role in the decarbonization of the power sector. Already now, it supplies increasing shares of the global energy demand.

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Solar Power Generation

Solar energy supplies increasing shares of global energy demand. As a renewable source of energy, it will play a major role in decarbonizing electricity supply. This chapter provides an overview on the solar sector from an economic perspective.

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This Extraordinary Rock

In their essay and film script, written for the exhibition Lithium, researchers David Habets, Cameron Hu and Stefan Schäfer focus on the element as a remedy for the exhaustion of personal reserves.

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This Extraordinary Rock

In their essay and film script, written for the exhibition Lithium, researchers David Habets, Cameron Hu and Stefan Schäfer focus on the element as a remedy for the exhaustion of personal reserves.

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Klimaschutz: Wissen und Handeln

Zwischen dem Wissen über Ursachen, Folgen und geeignete Strategien zur Eindämmung der Klimakrise einerseits und der Umsetzung in Handeln andererseits klafft eine große Lücke.

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Technikkonflikte und Partizipation

Kernenergie, Kohlekraftwerke, grüne Gentechnik, selbst fahrende Autos, Eingriffe in die menschliche Keimbahn, Nanotechnologie und Müllverbrennungsanlagen – diese Technologien haben eines gemeinsam: Sie sind umstritten.

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Integrated Science 2050: Science Without Borders

In considering the changing world, the authors of the Integrated Science: Science without Borders were asked how you would see the future of your field 30 years later. The present chapter publishes authors’ views on this subject in 2050.

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Wir machen das schon : Lausitz im Wandel

Die Lausitz hat einen Strukturbruch hinter und einen Strukturwandel vor sich. Der wirtschaftliche Umbau nach der deutschen Vereinigung hat nicht viel von der Industrie, die vor allem auf Braunkohle setzte, übrig gelassen.

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Time is discussed as a framework within which social interactions take place, a structure for synchronization and a resource for planning activities and projects.

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Indonesia: A Long Way to Low-Carbon Development

Indonesia is the biggest energy consumer in Southeast Asia and the world’s leadingcoal exporter. Its primary energy mix is dominated by oil and traditional biomass.Almost a third of its population lacks access to modern energy services.

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Akzeptanz in der Energiewende

Die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz von Energieinfrastrukturen und klimapolitischen Maßnahmen stellt einen wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor für die Transformation des Energiesystems dar.

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Environmental Policy in India

This book systematically introduces historical trajectories and dynamics of environmental policy and governance in India. Following the features of environmental policy in India as outlined in Chapter 1, subsequent chapters explore domestic and in

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Im Jahr 2005 erschien das »ABC der Globalisierung«. Inzwischen zeigen sich die Auswirkungen der neoliberalen Globalisierung in aller Deutlichkeit: Aus dem Wohlfahrtsversprechen ist eine Welt der globalen ­(Un)Ordnung ­geworden.

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Governance of Societies

It is no secret that the world is urbanizing very fast. If UN estimates turn out to be true, by midcentury 2.5 billion people will have joined the approximately 3.9 billion living in cities today, an urban population increase of over 60 %!

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Global Risk Assessment

Scientists and engineers have long been aware of the tension between narrow specialization and multidisciplinary cooperation, but now a major transformation is in process that will require technical fields to combine far more effectively than form

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Was genau ist eine Handlung? Wie unterscheidet sie sich von bloßem Verhalten und von Ereignissen? Und wie lassen sich Handlungsgründe analysieren?

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Bürgerbeteiligung – Konzepte, Methoden, Umsetzung

Spätestens die Proteste gegen die Erweiterung des Flughafens in Frankfurt am Main, den Bau der Dresdner Waldschlößchenbrücke oder Stuttgart 21 haben gezeigt: Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger möchten auf die konkrete Ausgestaltung ihres unmittelbaren Leb

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Elemente einer zukunftsfähigen Energiepolitik

In diesem Sammelband der Reihe „Sozialethik konkret“ wird die vielschichtige Problematik einer globalen und gerechten Umweltpolitik aufgegriffen und aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher Disziplinen diskutiert.

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Air Pollution in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

Air pollution has large impacts on the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH), affecting not just the health of people and ecosystems, but also climate, the cryosphere, monsoon patterns, water availability, agriculture, and incomes (established but incomplete)

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Implications for Risk Governance

Risk perception differs from scientific or statistical assessment of risks. More than reflecting probability and magnitude, risk perception also includes aspects such as voluntariness of risk, possibility of personal control, or familiarity.

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Arctic High Seas Governance of Biodiversity

On June 19, 2015, following a long period of preparation, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution A/69/L.65: 65 “Development of an international legally-binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conserv

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Simulation and Gaming for Policy Advice

This chapter aims at extending the policy advisor’s toolbox, by presenting the potential of serious games to support the whole spectrum of advisory and analytical processes behind public policymaking.

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We are entering an era characterized by new social and economic forms beyond our understanding.

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Die soziale Komponente der Nachhaltigkeit

Mit den im September 2015 von den Vereinten Nationen verabschiedeten Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) der Agenda 2030 wurden erstmals soziale und ökologische Nachhaltigkeitsziele systematisch verknüpft.

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Financial System, and Energy and Resource Husbandry

This chapter explores aspects of the relationship between the financial system and resource industries, starting with general criteria for sound investment and an overview of the various materials and resources that need to be distinguished.

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Die Struktur der CE-Debatte

Die komplexe Debatte über Climate Engineering dreht sich sowohl in der Öffentlichkeit als auch inder Wissenschaft um die zwei zentralen Fragen nach der Erforschung und dem Einsatz von CETechnologien.Dabei wird eine Vielzahl von Argumenten diskutie

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The Danger of Tax Havens for Financial Stability

The concerns about tax haven activity shown by leading nations originate not only from a sense of injustice caused by the fact that tax havens allow multi-billion dollar firms such as Google, Starbucks and Apple to pay only a few pennies in taxes

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Transgovernance: advancing sustainability governance

‘Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance’ analyses what implications recent and ongoing changes in the relations between politics, science and media – together characterized as the emergence of a knowledge democracy – may have for gov

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This chapter examines citizen participation in international organizations (IOs). The focus on citizen participation builds on the understanding of participation as a principle of governance in democratic theory.

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The Fabulous Five – A Bayesian Fairy Tale

This publication presents the research result of 'the Anthropocene Project' at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. In the Anthropocene era - a geological age of our own making, what understood to be nature is made by man.

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Wie kaum eine andere Bereichsethik befasst sich die Umweltethik einerseits mit Grundfragen der Philosophie (Naturphilosophie, Anthropologie, politische Philosophie) und berührt andererseits verschiedene Politikfelder (Klimapolitik, Naturschutz, La

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Nachhaltige Innovationen

Nachhaltige Innovationen ist ein sich neu entwickelndes Forschungsfeld in der Innovationsforschung, das dem zunehmenden Bedeutungszuwachs der Nachhaltigkeit Rechnung trägt.

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